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Linking Adverbs
List of Conjunctive Adverbs
While writing, a list of conjunctive adverbs 
may be helpful for some people. The purpose of 
a conjunctive adverb is to show a relationship 
between clauses such as comparing or contrasting, 
showing a sequence of events, or showing a cause and effect.
Conjunctive Adverbs
An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a verb,
adverb, adjectives, clauses, and sentences, anything
but a noun. Many adverbs end in -ly, although not all of them.
conjunction is a part of speech that connects phrases
and clauses. Therefore, a conjunctive adverb is a type
of adverb that joins together two clauses. These clauses
 are usually independent clauses, otherwise known as
complete sentences.
Examples of Conjunctive Adverbs
This chart is a partial list list of conjunctive adverbs.
There are many more to choose from.

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Examples of Conjunctive 
Adverbs in Sentences

  • You must do your homework; otherwise, you might get a bad grade.
  • I will not be attending the show. Therefore, I have extra tickets for anyone that can use them.
  • Amy practiced the piano; meanwhile, her brother practiced the violin.
  • Marion needed to be home early. Consequently, she left work at 3 p.m.
Correct Punctuation
To correctly punctuate a conjunctive adverb,
a writer will use a semicolon or period at the
end of the first independent clause. The conjunctive
adverb is then used followed by a comma and the
 next independent clause.