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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Reading: What comes NATURALLY

Irving Berli

Doin' What Comes Natur'lly Lyrics

Folks are dumb where I come from
They ain't had any learnin'
Still they're happy as can be

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

Folks like us could never fuss
With schools and books and learnin'
Still we've gone from A to Z

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

You don't have to know how to read or write
When you're out with a feller in the pale moonlight
You don't have to look in a book to find
What he thinks of the moon or what is on his mind

That comes naturally
That comes naturally

My uncle out in Texas
Can't even write his name
He signs his checks with X's
But they cash 'em just the same

If you saw my pa and ma
You'd no they had no learnin'
Still they raised a family

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

Uncle Jed has never read
An almanac on drinkin'
Still he's always on a spree (parranda)

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

Sister Sal who's mus-i-cal
Has never had a lesson
Still she's learned to sing off-key (desafinado)

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

You don't have to go to a private school
Not to pick up a penny by a stubborn mule
You don't have to have a professor's dome (figurative: head)
Not to go for the honey when the bee's at home

That comes naturally
That comes naturally

My tiny baby brother
Who's never read a book
Knows one sex from the other
All he had to do was look

Grandpa Bill is on the hill
With someone he just married
There he is at ninety-three

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

Sister Lou ain't got a sou figurative: a samll amount of money- coloquial : céntimo)

Although she goes out shoppin'
She gets all her stockings free

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

Cousin Nell can't add or spell
But she left school with honors
She got every known degree

For doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

You don't have to come from a great big town
Not to clean out a stable in an evening gown
You don't have to mix with the Vanderbilt's
Not to take off your panties when you're wearing kilts (schoolgirl's pleated skirt)

That comes naturally
That comes naturally

My mother's cousin Carrie
Won't ever change her name
She doesn't want to marry
And her children feel the same

Sister Rose has lots of beaus (French- boyfriends)
Although we have no parlor (US- reception room: salòn)
She does fine behind a tree

Doin' what comes naturally
Doin' what comes naturally

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