Friday, May 10, 2024

Passive voice project

Step 1: Create an infographic with pictures and a nice design choosing one of these 2 options, explaining the process of: 
  • 1. how something is created in at least five steps: the computers and accesories on page 122 of the SB. 
  • 2. How something is done in at least five steps: 
(a) using the tools in educamadrid such as sending an email with an attachment, sending a video using the cloud  
(b) creating an account in a social network, 
(c) uploading a video to YouTube, tiktok, Instagram, etc 
(d) creating a booktrailer and sending it to the teacher. 

Step 2: today (deadline: midnight) upload your final work to our virtual classroom. 

Step 3: print it with colours once the teacher has corrected it to be displayed in the walls of our classroom.

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